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Dental Crown Ann Arbor

Dental Crowns Diagram used by Ann Arbor, MI Dentist at Everwell Dentistry
Everwell Dentistry understands that there may be some unease that comes along with any foreign dental procedure. It is only natural. We are here to help soothe any potential stress that coincides with your upcoming treatment. A restorative treatment can be particularly daunting, as it is much different from a standard filling, and this includes dental implants such as dental crowns. If you are due for a crown, here is some information to help you understand what will be taking place.

What is a Crown?

A crown is a tooth implant that is inlaid into your jaw to compensate for a missing tooth, be it from extraction or tooth loss. There are two varieties including a cemented crown and a screwed crown. Each type of crown has its pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of a Screwed Crown

A screwed crown can be beneficial for several reasons. It negates any necessity for cement, which can cause problems for patients, particularly sensitive patients, in such a range as inflammation to even bone loss. It is also much easier to remove should there be any problems with the tooth, teeth around it, or the implant itself. Cosmetically, the screwed crown can be a negative as it can be distinguishable from other teeth. There is an access point over the screw through the tooth, which is covered with a composite filling. Though the access point is hidden, it can still be off from the other teeth. This access point can also be known to chip, which can cause long lasting crown damage.

Pros and Cons of a Cemented Crown

A cemented crown is great because it looks just like a natural tooth. There is no access point, and there is no chance of chipping away from the center. Should there be further problems in your mouth or in that area of your jaw, this crown is much more difficult to remove. Also, like stated above, the cement used for this can cause inflammation and discomfort, or worse in more sensitive patients.

Which One Do I Need?

We will discuss with you which is better for you in the long run. Both options will help replace a missing tooth and give support to your other teeth. A cement crown is more cosmetically appealing, but if you are getting a crown immediately after installing the implant appliance, the screwed crown is better. There are other factors to consider as well, so we will help you to construct the best game plan for you and your independent circumstances.

Getting an implant can be a stressful time, but Everwell Dentistry is dedicated to the best service and to you being as comfortable as you can be. Any question, concerns, or quandaries can be directed to your dentist, or you can call us anytime at (734) 973-0000. We are more than happy to help, and our caring staff is always there to help soothe your nerves. We can assure you; you are in the best hands.

The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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Dental Crowns Ann Arbor, MI | Everwell Dentistry - Dentist MI
Getting an implant can be stressful, but Everwell Dentistry is dedicated to the best service and to you being as comfortable as you can be. Any questions or concerns can be directed to your dentist, or you can call us at (734) 973-0000.
Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104, (734) 973-0000, everwelldentistry.com, 9/3/2024, Related Terms: dentist Ann Arbor MI,