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Dentistry For Kids Ann Arbor, MI

Beautiful Black child getting dental treatment at Everwell Dentistry in Ann Arbor, MIYour child's mouth changes as they grow, and early oral health care and preventive measures will have positive impacts on your child's life. Therefore, ensure your child visits our kids' dentist regularly for general check-ups and professional dental cleaning to avoid dental cavities. Dentistry for kids helps your children have healthy and well-aligned teeth. Visit our pediatric dentistry office, Everwell Dentistry to book an appointment for your child's dental cleanings and exams.

Preventing Dental Phobia

Dental phobia for a child is normal; many kids fear going to the dentist. The anxiety is typical even for grownups. The best way to overcome this is to start bringing your child in to the dentist after their first tooth has come through, or by their first birthday (whichever comes first). Children typically start having their first tooth pop through at about six months of age. Easing into dental appointments is important in building familiarity and trust with the child. We want them to see that the dentist is a fun and safe place to visit.

Why Pediatric Dentists Are Important

After dental school, our professionals had to apply for a residency program geared towards pediatric dental care. Once accepted, they spent two to three years working exclusively with pediatric patients. During those years of residency, they performed all manner of pediatric procedures. They learned how to better connect with pediatric patients so that they can more easily perform necessary cleanings and other procedures. This process includes learning more about child psychology and pharmacology as well.

How to Prevent Cavities in Kids

Regular Tooth Brushing

Dental caries will affect your children if they don't brush their teeth daily. It is your duty as a parent to teach your children good oral hygiene like regular flossing and toothbrushing. Toothbrushing should start as soon as your child gets their first tooth. You should get a suitable toothbrush for your child - one that is age appropriate in both size and shape. Children's toothbrushes should be soft enough to prevent them from injuring their bones. Find a bright colored toothbrush that your child will be excited to use. They often are available with their favorite cartoon characters or superheroes on them. In addition, show your children how to brush and floss properly and regularly. Brushing alongside of them helps encourage this habit.


Note that using fluoride toothpaste can help to prevent cavities. Also, ensure your children use fluoride supplements to toughen the enamel. Harder enamel is essential as acids and other toxic poisons cannot penetrate through. Fluoride can also be derived from drinking fluoridated water. Even if fluoride has numerous benefits, it can lead to tooth discoloration if used in excess. It is always advisable to consult with your children's dentist before giving them any supplements.

Dental Sealants

After your kid's teeth are permanent, the dentist can place a sealant (a thin wash of resin) on the back teeth to prevent tooth decay. This coating prevents bacteria from settling on the teeth, and is a great way to help them from developing cavities. Molars and premolars tend to have deeper pits and grooves, which can harbor food and bacteria. Ensure your child continues brushing and flossing their teeth frequently, even after sealant application.

Foods to Avoid

Some foods can do more harm to your children's health than good. Ensure you limit unhealthy foods for the sake of their overall oral health. Sugary foods such as sticky caramel, toffee, dried fruit, candy, roll-ups, and sugar-filled juices can erode your child's enamel, resulting in dental caries. These types of foods should be avoided. Make sure your child brushes her teeth instantly after consuming any sugary foods. This will remove all the sugars left on their teeth. Eating healthy and nutritious food will help your child develop strong teeth.

Even teething crackers given to babies and toddlers can hurt the gums and teeth. While they provide a strategy of pressing the locked teeth in the gums out, these biscuits include sweets that can hurt the gums and newly forming teeth. It is vital that after ingesting these, you wipe your child's gums clean with a damp cloth.

Thumb sucking in children

Thumb sucking is a frequent activity in infants and young children. It is harmless as long as it does not persist beyond five years. Children typically tend to stop thumb sucking around the ages of two to four, and there is no cause for anxiety until the front teeth emerge or break through the surface. Continued thumb sucking might cause your child to develop biting difficulty and protruding front teeth. Aggressive thumb sucking could cause injury to your child's teeth. Thumb sucking might also create infections or painful thumbs.

Regular Dental Exams

Regular dental check-ups help to prevent cavities in children. Our pediatric dentist will examine the teeth and gums of your child, ensuring they are healthy and in good condition. If the dentist finds any problem, they will advocate for the dental treatment depending on the severity of the problem.

X-rays for children

Having dental X-rays help in the diagnosis of issues but they are also considered preventive. They help in recognizing any issues in your child's mouth before it becomes a health risk. An x-ray will help in the finding of any abnormalities like tumors, abscesses, infection of the bone, and even tooth decay. X-rays will help in the diagnosis of many disorders of the mouth and specifically the jaw, gum disease, and tooth root issues. X-rays help identify these issues early on. If such issues are left ignored they can develop into infections that may extend to other locations of the mouth.

X-rays are safe for youngsters and an easy way of gaining oral wellness for children by allowing us to discover any potential tooth problems early on.

Dentistry for Kids in MI

Visit us at Everwell Dentistry to learn more about dentistry for kids. Call us today at (734) 973-0000 to schedule an appointment for your child's exam.

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Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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Dentistry For Kids | Everwell Dentistry | Ann Arbor, MI
Just like adults, children need professional dental care in addition to their regular oral hygiene routine at home. At Everwell Dentistry, we can provide your child with the care they need in a safe and comfortable environment.
Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 - (734) 973-0000 - everwelldentistry.com - 2/10/2025 - Key Phrases: kids dentist Ann Arbor MI -