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What Is Oral Thrush And Is It Contagious?

Posted on 2/10/2020 by Everwell Dentistry
What Is Oral Thrush And Is It Contagious?Oral thrush is an infection of the mouth that is caused by an overgrowth of the Candida albicans yeast. It mostly affects the inner cheeks, tongue, inner lip regions and the gums. Oral thrush is a common occurrence in people with weak immune systems, such as infants, the elderly, and diabetes patients.

While oral thrush isn't contagious, because the candida Albicans yeast is commonly found in the body, it can be easily transferred between a mother and her infant during breastfeeding. Here are other facts that you need to know about oral thrush.

Facts About Oral Thrush

The yeast that causes oral thrush is commonly found in the oral cavity, skin surfaces, and the intestinal tract of human beings. Getting in contact with an infected person does not necessarily result in an infection. It is the overgrowth of the yeast that leads to oral thrush. Diagnosis of oral thrush in older children and healthy adults usually points to an underlying medical condition like diabetes.

Newborn babies can develop oral thrush within 10 days after delivery as they are exposed to fungus if the mother undergoes normal vaginal delivery. They can also get the infection from contaminated pacifiers and formula bottles being put in the mouths. Babies with oral thrush can infect their mother's nipples during breastfeeding.

Prolonged use of oral antibiotics, steroid medications, dentures, certain contraceptives, and smoking increases your risk of developing oral thrush. Diseases such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS also suppress your immune system and make you more vulnerable to oral thrush. Furthermore, if you use corticosteroids inhalers then you should also rinse your mouth with water and then spit it out to get rid of residual medication in the mouth.

Some of the symptoms of oral thrush include a thick white coating of the oral cavity that results in discomfort, tenderness, and redness of the affected area, change in taste, a feeling of cotton in the mouth, and cracks in the corners of the mouth. You might also experience a sore throat and difficulties in swallowing.

If you have oral thrush, you can get in touch with our office for help in finding oral anti-fungal medication. In more severe cases of the infection, then we will advise on whether you need oral tablets or even intravenous anti-fungal. Get in touch with us today and have your oral thrush checked out by a qualified dental care expert.
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Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104, (734) 973-0000, everwelldentistry.com, 9/10/2024, Associated Words: dentist Ann Arbor MI,