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Braces: Starting Early
Ann Arbor MI

Some children may need to start orthodontics earlier than others.When it comes to finding the right time to start orthodontic braces, a general rule of thumb is the earlier, the better. At Everwell Dentistry, we know that your child’s oral health is a major concern. That is why we are here to guide you through the process and to make it as simple and hassle-free as possible. For a brief overlook, continue below. If you have more individual questions, be sure to give us a call today. We would be more than happy to help.

What Are Orthodontic Braces for?

Braces are designed to straighten and realign crooked teeth. These improve their position regarding bite position, but also have a drastic positive impact when it comes to your overall dental health as well. These can remedy a wide variety of problems. For starters, they are a great option to remedy underbites and overbites, malocclusions, incorrect jaw positioning, crowding and crooked teeth, and more. These can be used both restoratively and to cosmetically improve your smile. Braces can be used alone or with other appliances. The other dental appliances used in conjunction with braces can repair a larger number of issues than braces can alone. These include problems in both the jaw and the palate.

The Importance of Starting Early

There are a wide number of benefits that can come along with starting orthodontic treatment early. For example, first and foremost, it will drastically decrease the amount of treatment required later. Taking care of a problem as soon as possible can keep damage from that condition from worsening and requiring further treatment down the road. Guiding the teeth into their proper position can also mean not having to worry about teeth needing removal later. In many cases with severe crowding, teeth must be removed to provide adequate space before getting braces. Guiding teeth as they emerge can eliminate that need.

When kids are younger, their bones are not set yet. This means that some problems, like cross bites, can be remedied before they are permanently set in place. Early treatment is usually covered by most dental insurances, meaning that it is cheaper in the long run than it would be later on. Finally, kids tend to love getting braces! Picking out colors for their brackets can be a source of enjoyment rather than dread as it can become more annoying later on in their lives.

The sooner you come in, the sooner we can identify your child’s alignment issues here at Everwell Dentistry. We want you and your kids feel great about themselves, and braces are a great way of doing that. The cosmetic and dental benefits that accompany braces are undeniable and worth the investment. If you have any questions about the procedure, cost, outcome, or benefits, be sure to give us a call today. We want to help you however possible and would be more than happy to set up a consultation with you and your son or daughter to get all the kinks worked out.
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for your whole family

Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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Starting Braces Early | Dentist Ann Arbor | Everwell Dentistry
Curious about starting Braces Early? Everwell Dentistry is committed to your complete oral health and radiant smile! Our skilled professionals will invest time listening to your concerns and expectations.
Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 / (734) 973-0000 / everwelldentistry.com / 1/15/2025 / Related Terms: dentist Ann Arbor MI /