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Dental Implants FAQ
Ann Arbor, MI

Woman wearing glasses and smiling with her new dental implants from Everwell Dentistry in Ann Arbor, MIPatients oftentimes struggle with finding solutions to their tooth loss. There are a lot of different tooth replacement options available, and it can be difficult navigating the choices out there. Hearing about dentures not staying in place and having to use messy adhesives to hold them in place can make some patients want to avoid them altogether. Nevertheless, dentures are one of the oldest and most reliable tooth options available.

While some patients may have heard about dental implants, few understand what exactly they are, how they are placed, or even if they are a good solution to their dental situation. Patients in need of answers about dental prosthetics should schedule an appointment with our Everwell Dentistry office today to talk to us to learn about the vast tooth replacement options.

Information About Dental Implants

As far as artificial teeth solutions go, dental implants are at the top of the list as far as value and result are concerned. Dental implants provide natural looking permanent artificial teeth in the patient's mouth. Most patients are unaware of the make up of dental implants, thinking they are just one single piece. They are, in fact, made up of three individual segments. The first piece is known as the implant, which is the piece embedded into the jawbone permanently. This is the base for the other two pieces of the restoration. The second component is called the abutment. It serves as a connector and secures to the dental implant. The third component of the dental implant, known as the crown, is secured on top of it.

Implant Placement Procedure

The process of having dental implants placed takes more than just a single appointment. This can be upsetting to some, but it is necessary to ensure the implants are placed successfully. At the initial appointment, we will evaluate the patient's oral cavity as well as clean away any diseased tissue and remove any decayed teeth. In some cases, additional procedures may be warranted to prepare the patient's mouth to receive dental implants. These procedures can include gum and tooth grafts as well as tooth extractions.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

While there are different kinds of dental implants, the most widely used one is known as an endosteal implant. These dental implants are embedded into either the upper or lower jawbone. Next, the implant and the abutment are joined together. After the area has healed it will provide a base for any number of artificial tooth options. It can be a dental crown to take the place of a single tooth, or a partial or full denture. We can place single tooth |implants for one missing tooth, or multiple tooth implants if you are missing several teeth.

When patients fail to have the necessary supportive bone mass to support an endosteal implant, they need to turn to another dental implant solution. This is known as the subperiosteal implant. This type of dental implant does not embed anything into the jawbone but utilizes a metal framework instead. This framework is placed across the surface of the jawbone. Over time this framework is fused to the bone providing a strong base for a dental implant solution.

Who Qualifies for Dental Implants?

If you are considering getting dental implants, you will first want to ensure that you qualify for the procedure. At Everwell Dentistry we will help determine if you qualify for dental implants. To have the best chance of recovering and ensuring that the dental implants will make a lasting difference, we will work with you to see if you are the best candidate for dental implants.

Needing your teeth replaced can qualify you for getting a dental implant; however, there are other factors to take into consideration. Many people who get a dental implant need their teeth replaced after an injury or disease. A dental implant can keep your mouth healthy and help you live a normal life. It can be a great long-term solution for many people.

To undergo the procedures that getting a dental implant may take, we will require that you meet some health requirements. This is to ensure that you have the strongest chance of getting through the surgical procedures successfully and without undue side effects or implant failure. Being free of gum disease, and making sure you do not have any underlying medical conditions that could cause problems are necessary first steps to determining if you are a dental implant candidate. Being in overall good health will also make the recovery process easier.

Why Do You Need a Dental Implant?

You are likely considering a dental implant because you want to replace missing teeth. Getting a dental implant is a great way to replace missing teeth and ensure that you can eat and speak comfortably. Having all of your teeth will help improve your quality of life.

You may need your teeth replaced after an injury. Some severe injuries can cause people to lose their teeth, and if you lose enough you can qualify for a dental implant to replace those teeth. A dental implant can help you get back to what life was like before the injury.

Teeth can also be lost due to a disease. Some oral diseases can affect your gums and jawbone and cause your teeth to fall out or need to be removed. If you lost your teeth because of a disease, our professionals will help you determine if getting a dental implant is the right solution.

How We Can Help

While just hearing about all of the things involved in a dental implant placement might be a lot to take in, they are performed with regularity and with incredible success. Why not come in to see us at our office today at Everwell Dentistry to get the details. You can reach us at (734) 973-0000.

The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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Dental Implant FAQ Everwell Dentistry | Ann Arbor, MI
Find answers to common dental implant questions at Everwell Dentistry in Ann Arbor, MI. Learn about the benefits, process, and care for lasting results.
Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 - (734) 973-0000 - everwelldentistry.com - 2/14/2025 - Related Terms: dentist Ann Arbor MI -