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Time To Consider Dental Implants?

Posted on 1/10/2022 by Everwell Dentistry
Time To Consider Dental Implants?Are you persistently in pain as a result of crooked, cracked, or even infected teeth? Are you feeling insecure about the smile you have because of tooth loss or missing teeth? Or perhaps you are frustrated with the previous dental work because it has failed to produce the desired results. If that is the case, it is time to think of dental implants. These dental restorations can improve your smile and resolve other dental issues, such as preventing bone loss and ensuring proper chewing of food. 

Signs you Need Dental Implants

You cannot have dental implants if you don't have missing teeth. This is what they are made to resolve by filling in the gap left behind by the lost teeth. If you have difficulty chewing because of damage to teeth, you can choose dental implants. Replacing the missing teeth takes the pressure off the other teeth, helping you chew without difficulties. It also helps avoid issues like crooked smiles and misalignment. 

You Have Badly Infected or Damaged Tooth

A severely infected or damaged tooth may need extraction. After removing the teeth, you can get dental implants to help protect the gum tissue and the other healthy teeth. Also, implants help prevent the bone loss that may occur after tooth extraction.

 Your Dentures are not Working

Dentures may have been an effective solution for replacing missing teeth, but today, they aren't that effective. These restorations require a great deal of maintenance and often slip. They tend to cause discomfort and embarrassment when they fall out of the mouth. If dentures aren't fitting properly, they can irritate the gums. Dental implants can be a better alternative to dentures since they are comfortable, permanently fixed, and don't fall out. Want to find out more about implants? Contact our dental office to talk to our dental implant placement team. 
The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 | (734) 973-0000 | everwelldentistry.com | 2/13/2025 | Page Keywords: dentist Ann Arbor MI |