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Three Reasons to Not Ignore Tooth Sensitivity

Posted on 8/9/2021 by Everwell Dentistry
Three Reasons to Not Ignore Tooth SensitivityTooth sensitivity can be like the sensation of a bolt of electricity shooting up your tooth and into your gums as a response to a hot beverage, a cold beverage, or a sweet treat. The discomfort can be a sharp pain or a dull ache. The ache just hangs on, maybe even after you have eaten. It can affect one or more teeth. Regardless of the type of sensation, it is undoubtedly uncomfortable, and most people want to avoid it. Both avoiding and ignoring tooth sensitivity is a problem, though. Your problems could become bigger if you ignore it.

Ignoring Tooth Sensitivity Does Not Solve the Problem

The first reason we advise patients not to ignore tooth sensitivity is because it could be an indicator of a bigger issue. A variety of causes can be behind sensitive teeth. Typically, sensitive teeth are the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. A sensitive tooth could be the result of a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or gum disease. Don't avoid or ignore tooth sensitivity.

The second reason not to ignore tooth sensitivities is that it will not go away if you do nothing. If you take action now, maybe sometime soon you can eat the foods which bother your teeth now.

The third reason not to ignore tooth sensitivity is that we will not be able to help you if you do. Help is available, and we want to recommend several proven methods of reducing sensitivities. However, we need to see you to make those recommendations as our recommendations depend on what is happening in your mouth.

Visit us to See About Your Sensitive Tooth

Since there are many reasons why you may have sensitive teeth, don't wait to get your sensitive teeth checked. It is best to come into our office as soon as you detect a sensitivity or toothache so we can help assess your condition and get you going on a treatment plan. We can help you feel better and give you advice on how to avoid tooth sensitivity in the future.

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2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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