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How Drinking Water Regularly Can Improve Your Overall Oral Health

Posted on 1/25/2021 by Weo Admin
How Drinking Water Regularly Can Improve Your Overall Oral HealthDrinking water hydrates you and keeps your gums and teeth healthy. That is because water cleanses away the bad bacteria and keeps patients from having dry mouth. When the mouth is too dry, it tends to attract more of the harmful germs that lead to tooth decay and gingivitis. Moreover, drinking water from the tap restores the tooth enamel. Instead of coating the teeth with plaque, it washes it away and remineralizes the teeth that may be in the first stages of decay. Tap water is considered better than drinking bottled water, as fluoride is usually added to community water supplies.

Plaque Cannot Survive As Well in a Hydrated Mouth

Plaque cannot thrive in a clean and hydrated mouth. While acids from plaque and food can build up in a mouth that is dry or not clean, water dilutes the acids, so the teeth remain protected. A glass of water can wash away any residue that may trigger bad breath, cause staining, or demineralize tooth enamel. In addition, drinking water regularly supports the role of saliva in the mouth. Both saliva and water can wash away food debris and prevent acid attacks. Saliva contains mineral salts that protect and strengthen the enamel. Water can also perform this role if you don't have enough saliva.

Balancing Everything Out

When you regularly drink water, you create a healthy balance in the mouth - one where both remineralization and demineralization regularly occurs. As long as this natural process keeps happening, you will not have oral health issues. If you drink water that lacks fluoride and trace minerals, make sure to schedule fluoride treatments every 6 months to support your total dental health

To keep your mouth healthy, as well, visit us regularly. Schedule an exam and cleaning today to realize optimum oral health. Give us a call to set an appointment now.
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Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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