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How Healthy Teeth Can Help You Lose Weight

Posted on 3/15/2020 by Everwell Dentistry
How Healthy Teeth Can Help You Lose WeightYou have probably heard the news that losing weight also helps with your oral health. Did you know, however, that oral health also helps you lose weight? Here is how.

Healthy Teeth Cause Less Stress On The Body

When your mouth is riddled with gum disease and cavities, you tend to have the feeling that your entire body is unwell. This is because gum disease spreads via the blood to other body parts. This causes metabolic derangements in various organs, among them the liver. The additional stress caused by the infection also causes the body to shift its focus toward storing fat. This explains the weight gain caused by certain infections.

When you are free from cavities and have healthy gums, your body shifts its focus into metabolism and fat destruction. This allows you to lose weight!

Healthy Teeth Are Associated with Certain Diet Modifications

In order to have healthy teeth, one has to make the sacrifice of avoiding sugary foods, keeping away from sticky foods and a total shift toward healthy eating. These modifications ensure that the teeth are kept healthy.

On the other hand, less sugar and fat also works to reduce weight gain and foster weight loss. So, while you are working to keep your teeth healthy, you are also inadvertently working towards weight loss.

Healthy Teeth Are Associated with Certain Habits

One way you are trying to keep your teeth healthy is by avoiding alcohol. You guessed it right! Alcohol is associated with weight gain. While you are working toward reducing your alcohol intake, your calories are also reducing with the same speed, aiding in your weight loss.

It has also been shown that building strong habits, such as brushing teeth daily and regularly visiting our office can translate into compliance with workout routines and activities like jogging and running.
The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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