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We want every patient to come to their dental visit with absolute peace of mind that everything in our office, right down to the very air they breathe, meets even the most rigorous of patient health and infection control standards.

How Kidney Function Stems from Your Oral Health

Posted on 2/15/2019 by Everwell Dentistry
How Kidney Function Stems from Your Oral HealthIt is indisputable that your overall and oral health are intimately connected. With scientific research, the way in which people view dentistry has changed dramatically in recent years, and we now focus on our patient's overall health.

There was a time when going to the dentist was seen as a form of torture, but with recent discoveries, we realize how important having a healthy mouth is for your general well-being.

People who suffer from kidney disease are particularly susceptible to dental infections. Something that can be easily solved in a person with good health can be a grave problem to someone with kidney issues.

Kidney Disease and Periodontal Disease

The primary function of the kidneys is to manage all the waste our body produces. When a person has a disease in these organs, their immune system is compromised, and it doesn't fight infection as effectively as it does in a healthy individual.

Periodontal disease is a severe form of gum disease that has become chronic, generally due to neglect and lack of professional dental care. As the infection progresses, someone with limited kidney function won't be able to fight off the disease as effectively.

Gum disease can also make a person more susceptible to periodontal disease because one of the common symptoms of kidney disease is bone loss, which can affect the jawbone. Teeth can become loose with a weaker jaw and could eventually fall out if the situation is not brought under control with dental treatment.

It is critical that you let us know if you have kidney disease because some of the medications we use can interact with dialysis treatment and cause more bleeding during a dental procedure. Moreover, a kidney transplant can be delayed until after treatment for gum disease, or severe tooth decay is completed. We recommend you advise your treating doctor of any dental procedure in advance.
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Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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