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Why You Want to Turn to Us When You Notice a Loose Tooth

Posted on 12/25/2018 by Everwell Dentistry
Why You Want to Turn to Us When You Notice a Loose ToothUnless you still have your baby teeth, the number of teeth in your mouth are finite, which makes each one that much more precious and important to save. Don't give up on your smile if you notice a loose or wobbling tooth, but instead take proactive steps to avoid losing the tooth entirely.

Not Yet Dead
The most important reason to come in, is that your tooth may still be entirely savable. While certain forms of injury and illness are unavoidable losses, most of the time, as long as the root structure is still healthy and intact, we can ensure that the tooth heals and resettles back into your mouth.

For teeth that haven't quite gone round the bend, we can splint the tooth to other teeth, which bonds it in place until it heals up and reaffixes to your gums. We may also be able to give you a occlusal (mouth) guard, which can be worn overnight to protect your teeth from any grinding or other unintentional weakening you may be submitting it to.

Even if your teeth are in bad condition due to disease, don't lose hope! We may still be able to clean and remove foreign agents (such as bacteria) from your mouth, which will enable your gums to tighten up naturally and your teeth to heal properly back into their natural position.

In the worst-case scenarios, we may have to commit to a root canal or a full extraction. While this is regrettably the death of a tooth, it is vitally important to make sure its sacrifice is not in vain, and the source of the problem doesn't spread to other teeth, loosening them up and leading to them being lost as well.

If you have a loose tooth, please contact us today to discuss your care options, and be seen to determine if the tooth has ceased to be, or if we can restore it to full glory. Don't give up on your wobbly smile until you have explored every avenue of feasible treatment.
The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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Everwell Dentistry

2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 + (734) 973-0000 + everwelldentistry.com + 2/12/2025 + Key Phrases: dentist Ann Arbor MI +