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Is A Little Bit Of Blood When You Brush Normal?

Posted on 11/25/2018 by Everwell Dentistry
Is A Little Bit Of Blood When You Brush Normal?All too often, people believe that it is normal for the gums to bleed after brushing. After all, that toothbrush is bound to aggravate the sensitive gum tissue, right? Wrong! Gums that bleed when you brush could be an indicator of a more serious problem in the works.

Bleeding Gums May Be a Sign of Gum Disease

One of the main causes of bleeding gums during brushing or flossing is gum disease. The earliest type of gum disease is gingivitis, which causes inflammation when plaque builds up along the gum line. Gums that bleed during regular brushing are often affected by gingivitis and swelling and redness are also signs.

As gingivitis progresses, it may lead to a more serious form of gum disease known as periodontitis. At this stage, pockets of infection may develop under the gum line. In addition to bleeding and swelling, your teeth could actually become loose as the gums start to recede.

Preventing Bleeding Gums

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent bleeding gums and gum disease. Good oral hygiene is the most important step, as brushing and flossing regularly will keep bacteria levels under control. Brushing doesn't mean that you are being too aggressive or hard on the gums, so maintain a firm grip on your brush.

Regular teeth cleanings are also a necessity if your gums tend to bleed. We can help to remove plaque and tartar from the gums before they have a chance to negatively impact your mouth. Regular teeth cleanings are recommended at least once every six months, and during these appointments, we can ensure that your bleeding gums aren't a sign of a more serious health condition like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or even leukemia.

Bleeding gums - even those with just a little bit of blood – are not normal. Call us today to set up your next appointment and to have your gums checked out.
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