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Does Poor Oral Health Leave You Exhausted Each Day?

Posted on 7/10/2018 by Everwell Dentistry
Does Poor Oral Health Leave You Exhausted Each Day?The health of your mouth is more important than you know. Your mouth – including the gums, teeth and tongue – can have a major impact on your overall health. Without proper care, poor oral hygiene could lead to a variety of health problems.

A Connection between Mouth and Body

Your mouth serves many important roles in your life. It is the first step in the digestive process, with the saliva breaking down food before it moves into the intestines. Your mouth is full of bacteria that proper oral hygiene will keep in check, and the saliva helps to protect against microbial invasions and overgrowth.

Health Conditions Connected to Oral Health

If you fail to take care of your mouth properly, you could be at risk of many different conditions. Cardiovascular disease is one of the top concerns, as oral bacteria has been connected to issues like stroke, clogged arteries, and heart disease. Endocarditis is also a possibility, and this infection affects the inner lining of the heart. In addition to other issues, heart problems are known to make you feel fatigued and worn down.

Heart conditions aren't the only concern when it comes to poor oral health. Periodontal disease is known to impact people living with rheumatoid arthritis, worsening the pain associated with this autoimmune disorder. It may also lead to systemic inflammation.

Additionally, people who suffer from breathing problems as a result of pneumonia or COPD may find their condition worsens as a result of increased bacteria in the lungs.

Fortunately, poor oral hygiene is something that you can reverse by adopting better practices at home and at the dentist. Your first step should be to get an appointment with your dentist for a cleaning and evaluation. Feel free to call us today and let us help you to get your mouth – and hopefully entire body – well again.
The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-0000

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Everwell Dentistry, 2340 E. Stadium Blvd, Suite 7 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 • (734) 973-0000 • everwelldentistry.com • 1/17/2025 • Related Terms: dentist Ann Arbor MI •