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Protecting Your Mouth During the Flu Season May Begin with Getting a New Toothbrush

Posted on 4/10/2018 by Everwell Dentistry
Toothbrush Everwell Dentistry MI 48104Do you know how often you need to replace and change your toothbrush? You may now be aware that every person should regularly replace toothbrush at least every three to four months to avoid any germ transfer that can cause cavity buildup, tooth decay, and gum infection.

However, did you know that you need to get a new toothbrush whenever the flu season strikes? If not, then now you know.

Toothbrush is your first line of defense in protecting your teeth. However, just like any other brushes and sponges, toothbrush attracts germs and bacteria whenever overused or damp.

You should also be wary about how you take care of your toothbrush. You should know when to let go, which means you should know when to replace your toothbrush.

Have Cold and Flu? Get a New Toothbrush!

When the flu season comes, consider getting a new toothbrush on your stockpiles. The common cold and flu viruses are airborne and easy to spread, which means that you can be infected. If you have colds, cough, or the flu, it is time to get a new toothbrush to avoid getting other illness after your flu season.

These viruses linger on your toothbrush, towels, sheets, and any other things you usually use. Although you cannot be infected again with the same virus, you can develop other types of illnesses or transmit germs to your mouth which can cause tooth decay and gum infection.

Disinfecting Your Toothbrush During Cold and Flu

If your flu is not over yet, you can still slow down the germs, bacteria, and virus buildup in your toothbrush through disinfection. You can soak your toothbrush in antibacterial mouthwash before or after you brush your teeth.

Better yet, soak your toothbrush in a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to kill a huge percentage of germs and bacteria. Soaking or boiling your toothbrush in hot water can also help. But, do remember that after you are infected by the flu virus, replace your toothbrush.

Protect your healthy smile from germs and bacteria. Contact us today and let us help you!

The first step to a healthy beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment.
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